New BBC factual documentary series

Dear Secretary,

My name is Selina and I work for a television company called Wall to Wall - we've made programmes like 'Who Do you Think you Are? and 'Long Lost Family' but we're now working on a new series for BBC One provisionally called 'The Gift'. I was hoping to see if it might be possible to pass on some information about the programme to members of the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Drama Association. I've included some more information in this email and also attached a poster.

The programme will help people who would like to locate an important person from their past to finally say 'thank you' where they've not had the opportunity before. For many people it is not possible to do this themselves - the person they want to thank may be a stranger or someone they've lost contact with and so don't know how to find. With a team of professional mediators, psychologists and experts in tracing people, we aim to put these people in touch, help them find a gesture or gift that represents their feelings, and support them through a meeting.

We are currently looking for people who may need our help to say that all-important thank you and will feature a whole range of different experiences in the series - from people who want to find and thank the person who saved their life, or a person whose kindness will never be forgotten - to those who would like to express their gratitude to a guardian angel who appeared when they were most needed.

I wondered if this may appeal to some of your members who might like the opportunity to be reconnected with someone from their past. If it is possible to put something up on your notice board, in your next newsletter or email something out, it would be fantastic. I am also happy to post out some flyers and A4 posters if you think this could be useful.

I really appreciate your help, please don't hesitate to get in touch should you have any thoughts or need any more information.

Many thanks,


Selina Tso | Researcher
Wall to Wall Media | 85 Gray's Inn Road
London | WC1X 8TX
Telephone: 020 7241 9325