Play of the Year Festival 2015/16


Dear Member,

A new season is about to start!! It does come round quickly.
We have a few slight "tweaks" to the paperwork for the competition again this year so please read ALL your attachments carefully. I know you have entered for many years but updates are important if we are to keep the competition up to date.
NOTE the new youth trophy is for outstanding contribution to the production by a young person or persons of 19 years of age or under on the day of the first performance of the run. It includes backstage as well as performers and applies to any show not just youth shows. If there is duel casting only the performance on the night of the adjudicators visit will be considered. No nominations are required as this is awarded by the adjudicator but we do need names of ALL eligible. (see entry form)

Nominations ARE required for the Sidney Hopkin Award. Please read criteria carefully and make sure your nominations comply.

A note about PHOTOCOPIED Scripts. These are not allowed unless the play is out of print. A copy of permission to photocopy must be attached to your entry form.
Photocopies of original or unpublished works are allowed.
Please give yourself time to get any relevant paperwork before sending in your entry.

Again this year we are to continue the formula of using experienced practitioners from our local Groups and this year it is a pleasure to announce that Howard Whitehurst from Bonington Players has agreed to undertake the role.

Howard entered the world of amateur theatre with the Bonington Players in 1969 and was drawn to directing after acting in a variety of roles. His first production was A Christmas Carol which he adapted from the original Dickens novel winning the Belper Cup in 1973; subsequently playing a host of roles from Mrs Swabb to Thomas Cromwell.
He is one of the region's most prolific amateur directors with around 70 shows to his credit. Howard has also helped a number of groups with plays, musicals, operatics and gang shows in later years. Howard has concentrated his creative talents in Group Productions at the Bonington Theatre Arnold and was also a principal member of a team that helped secure the improvement and long term future of the Bonington Theatre. Having announced his retirement from both acting and direction he has undertaken productions in each of the last four years as part of the process of making more comebacks than Frank Sinatra.
Howard is a member of the NANDA Council, Chairman of the Bonington Theatre Forum and Past Chairman of the Gedling Borough Arts Association.

Stephen Godward will act as Deputy Adjudicator for the Competition and adjudicate Bonington productions and in exceptional circumstances where Howard cannot attend. The usual mediation will be done along with other productions at the end of the competition.

The entry fee is again £60, payable with your entry form and script. These must be received at least ONE MONTH before the opening of your show, along with any Sidney Hopkin nominations.


Following the successful dinner and awards night at the Crown Plaza Hotel, the 2016 Dinner and Awards will again be at the Crown Plaza, Wollaton Street, Nottingham on Friday 17th June.

I look forward to receiving your entries and to a successful competition.

Please ring if you have any questions or problems.
Joan Wildgust
POY Co-ordinator