Press to enter the Main Site
held on 10th March 2015 at Arnold.
Present:- Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Mike Stewart, Linda and Howard Whitehurst, Mel Reynolds, Robert Wildgust, Madeline Lord.
1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Sonja Oates, Neil Mackintosh, Tony Vokes, Barbara Fisher, Roy Ainscough.
2 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING. - The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on 17th February had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
JW had sent a condolence card to Radcliffe on Trent Drama Group, from NANDA following the death of David Derby. She had been thanked by Jon Jones, who said he would pass on condolences to David Derby's daughter and Radcliffe on Trent members.
3 HON TREASURER'S REPORT - as at 10/03/2015
Balance = £8126.58
NS&I = £2324.42
Current = £5552.16
On hand =£250
Increase/Decrease - no change
a)Play of the Year 14/15 and Dinner
There is one more entry from Bonington players for Ladykillers and two more possible entries from Prospect and Burton Joyce. JW brought some blank certificates which are used for all current NANDA drama festivals. There will be a discussion at the next meeting as to how these may be modified for future festivals.
Dinner - LW had checked the price of dinner at the Crowne Plaza. it was decided to charge £26, this being a very small mark-up to go towards the cost of four complimentaries.
b) One Act Festival - 2015
Bob Wildgust reported that, after consultation with various people, it had been decided not to merge with Leicestershire for the One Act Festival. He expressed his willingness to carry on with the NANDA One Act. There had been only one entry this year (West Bridgford) who had been allowed to proceed to the next round; a precedent had been set for this to happen in the future.
There was a discussion about the pros and cons of continuing with the One Act Festival. MR pointed out that the timing was inconvenient for groups and suggested May to July as an alternative time. This was however not in line with AETF dates. LW suggested late February for the Festival. It was agreed to continue with the One Act and to allow Leicestershire and Warwickshire groups to enter if they used it as a rehearsal for their own festivals. LW and HW will talk to David Popple from Bonington theatre about possible dates in February 2016.
There followed a discussion on the arrangements for the AETF Quarter final to be held at the Bonington Theatre on 25th April.
There will be 6 entries:one from Notts, two from Warwickshire, two from Leicestershire and the remaining one from the higher marked third place production.
Groups to order tickets and parking permits through J and R Wildgust. All other tickets to be sold through Box Office. HW and LW to liaise with Bonington theatre on ticketing. Tickets to be priced at £8 single session, £12 double session.
HW and LW to collect tickets on door.
Strict timing to be adhered to for set up and strike. Mike Stewart to be timekeeper.
CD to produce programme
RW to consult AETF on price
LW to organise programme sellers/ice cream sellers.
AETF usually holds a raffle, the proceeds of which go to help with winners' expenses. RW to approach Leics and Warwicks to provide raffle ticket sellers.
Council members expressed their willingness to help on the day. RW will circulate an allocated jobs list.
RW to invite Mayor of Gedling to present prizes at the evening session.
JW to contact Nottingham Post photographer, Mark Leigh.
RW to write a short article for Facebook and Website
JW to send email to all NANDA groups inviting them to attend.
c)Youth Festival
Information has been sent out. Five groups have expressed interest, but no entries have been received as yet. The closing date is 4th April.
ML to contact Max Faulkener regarding doing the lighting and sound.
LW and HW to contact Michael Ball when he is at Chichester regarding a November date
HW noted that both Bonington and Burton Joyce groups had put posters on Facebook which had been seen by 400 people. He reiterated that Facebook is an excellent way of publicising productions and increasing audience.
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th April at East Leake
The meeting ended at 8.45pm