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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday November 20th 2012 at Ruddington
PRESENT Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Mike Stewart, Linda Whitehurst, Jack Barrett, Roy Ainscough, Bob Wildgust, Tony Vokes.
1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Sonya Oates, Mel Reynolds, Neil Mackintosh, Howard Whitehurst and Madeline Lord.
2 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING. - The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 23rd October had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
Since the previous meeting, the death had been announced of Allen Tipton, a NANDA Vice President, who was well known in local amateur dramatic circles. Several members announced their intention of attending the funeral on Friday 23rd November. Roy Ainscough and Howard Whitehurst will write articles for the Newsletter on Allen's life and achievements.
There was a brief discussion on NANDA vice presidents - there are now 4. The matter will be discussed more fully at the next meeting and the Chairman asked for members to bring suggestions for possible candidates.
3 HON TREASURER'S REPORT - as at 20th November 2012
Balance = £7577.30
NS&I = £2277.68
Current = £4959.62
On hand = £340.00
Increase= £163.00
Play of the year competition
Entries - 5 @ £60 each = £300
Play direction course
Course subscription - 1 @ £30 each = £30
Subscriptions -
Group membership - 4 @ £25 each = £100
Youth Festival 2012
Venue hire - Chilwell School = £242
Play direction course
Venue hire: 3rd Session -- Aspley Community and Training Centre = £25
Youth Play Festival 2012
Income = £973.05
Expenditure = £429.19
PROFIT = £543.86
The four groups who have renewed their membership this month are: Burton Joyce, Dukeries, West Bridgford and the People's Theatre Company.
a) Play of the Year 12/13 and Dinner
There have been eight entries for this so far, but Kegworth Players had to withdraw from the adjudication because of illness. Bonington Players and PTC have also submitted entries. Two plays were adjudicated by Bob Wildgust (Burton Joyce and Dukeries), due to the unavailability if the adjudicator on those dates, although he was able to see the Dukeries' dress rehearsal.
b) One Act Festival -
Bob Wildgust said there was little to report. Sarah Warnsby had been confirmed as the adjudicator. After initial marketing of the event , several groups had expressed a strong interest in participating, and Bob was confident that there would be enough for one or maybe two days' competition. He reminded members that NANDA would host the regional competition in 2015.
c) Youth Festival
Notices have now gone out for the competition on 10th and 11th May 2013. the Chairman reminded members that the competition was open to any youth group (not just NANDA members).
Jack Barrett reported that, in spite of many phone calls and letters there had been no response from William Ivory. He will now contact Giles Croft and Kenneth Alan Taylor with a view to securing one or both of them. The Chairman thanked Jack for his efforts. .
As previously reported , Roy and Howard will each do an article on Allen Tipton. Howard will also include an item on the Youth festival.
SHUG - Roy reported that they were waiting for the new owners to apply for planning permission to Rushcliffe. At this point it would be useful for local drama groups to make their case for the theatre's use. However, it was agreed that security would be a problem and the cost of this could deter groups from using it.
Bonington Theatre - Linda reported that the theatre had received a £650,000 grant for refurbishment. £250,000 had been allocated for new seating and lights , but this had to be spent before the end of March. There was a possibility that the theatre might be closed for this work in March. This might affect the staging of the One Act Festival, which was booked in at the Bonington. Bob will look at alternatives (Chilwell, Redhill School) as a precaution. He also noted that no formal confirmation of the booking had been received - Linda will pursue this.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday December 18th at 7.00pm at Aspley
The meeting ended at 8.15pm