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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 15th February 2011 at Arnold

Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Neil Mackintosh,(Treasurer), Tony Vokes, Mike Stewart, Mel Reynolds, Linda Whitehurst, Howard Whitehurst, Bob Wildgust.

This being the first Council meeting after the AGM, it was proposed by Mike Stewart and seconded by Mel Reynolds that Joan Wildgust be elected Chairman. This was carried unanimously.

1 Apologies for absence were received from Jack Barrett, Roy Ainscough,

2 Minutes and matters arising. - The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th November had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.

3 Hon Treasurer's report - as at 15/02/2011 (2 months)

Balance = £ 4804.21
NS&I = £2268.59
Current = £2402.62
On hand = £133.00
INCREASE = £433.50

Play of the Year
Entries 5 @ £60 each = £300.00
Theatre Luncheon - Amanda Whittington
Receipts Member - 37@£15.50 each
Non-Member 4@£1650 each
TOTAL = £639.50
Subscriptions -
Group membership - 5 @ £25.00 each
= £125
Merchandise sales -
'Who Moved The Spotlight' 4 @ 50p each = £2

Theatre Luncheon - Amanda Whittington
Venue Bill - Welbeck Hotel
42 meals (37 member, 4 non-member, 1 guest speaker) @ £14 each
= £588.00
2011 -AGM
Printing of Accounts - £30
Venue Hire - West Bridgford Dramatic Society - £15

Theatre Luncheon - Amanda Whittington
Income = £639.50
Expenditure = £588.00
PROFIT - £51.50


a) Play of the Year 10/11 and Dinner
Joan reported that there had been 12 entries so far:BoningtonPlayers (2), Nottingham Arts Theatre (1),Prospect Players (2), WBDS (2), Dukeries Theatre Group (2), Orchard Theatre Company (1), Lowdham Players(2). Two more entries are expected. Gordon Parsons has done all the adjudications so far.
Dinner - Linda Whitehurst reported that the meal will be a warm buffet, with a plated started and a pre-ordered dessert. We should aim for an attendance of 90 - 110
b) One Act Festival
Bob Wildgust reported on the situation so far. There have been 3 entries; one from Calverton and two from Spotlight Theatre Group (a youth group). Although five entries would be preferable, it would be possible to proceed with three entries. He outlined the pros and cons of going ahead or cancelling. If the festival were to proceed, it would protect our good relations with AEFT (All England Theatre Festival). We would also lose continuity of the festival if we cancelled. Against this, there would be a potential loss to NANDA of about £100. After a discussion it was decided unanimously that we proceed as planned with the competition.
Several points were made:- We should liaise with Leicestershire groups as their festival is on the same weekend this year. Mike Stewart suggested that youth groups pay half the adult fee and that this be adopted as a new rule; this was agreed. Mike will amend the rules of the competition on the website. Bob will check on how many free tickets are allowed per group; there would be a charge of £5 per ticket over that number. Bob will draft rules on free ticket allocation and email these to Mike for inclusion in the rules.
It was decided to limit refreshments to tea, coffee and biscuits this year.
c) Youth Festival - Nothing to report. Joan will follow this up.
d) Play Writing Competition - Nothing to report.

5 Theatre Luncheon
Jack Barrett had sent a letter of thanks to Amanda Whittington and had received a reply saying how much she had enjoyed the event. Jack reported that he would be looking for a speaker about two months hence. Various possibilities were discussed.

6 Newsletter/Website
There was nothing to report. The editor, Howard Whitehurst, expressed his hope that the newsletter was being circulated to groups by those receiving it in email form. He reiterated the need for groups to submit articles etc to make the newsletter more interesting, photographs of productions would also be welcome.
Nothing to report.

7 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
Chris Davison had received an email from AATO - The Association of Amateur Theatre Organisations, inviting NANDA to become an associate member for a fee of £20 p.a. After a discussion, it was decided to decline the offer as council members were not convinced of the value of membership.
Blaby Drama Group - Bev Barnsley new email
Greasley Players - new Chairman - Colin Fletcher
Colwick Theatre Club - new member - Chair Meredith Lawrence - Secretary Fay Dickman
Lowdham Players - new member - Chair Mark Gittings - Secretary Jan Fish -

8 AOB.
Linda gave an update on the situation regarding the closure of Bonington Theatre. The Action Group had received some publicity in the form of an article and photograph in the Nottingham Post. No definite decisions had yet been made. The Theatre Trust are visiting the theatre and alternative sites suggested by the council. A report will then be produced.. The Charity Commission are still discussing the status of the site for a new leisure centre. As this is an ongoing situation, it is not the time yet to write expressing NANDA's objections.

9 Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday 8th March (note the changed date) at Ruddington

The date of the following meeting has also been changed to Tuesday 19th April

The meeting ended at 8.50pm