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Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 16th November 2010 at Nuthall

Present: Joan Wildgust ( Chairman), Roy Ainscough, Jack Barrett, Madeline Lord, Sonya Oates, Mike Stewart, Howard Whitehurst, Linda Whitehurst, Bob Wildgust. Richard Young

1 Apologies for absence: Christine Davison, Neil Mackintosh, Hayley Masom, Mel Reynolds, Alan Spooner, Tony Vokes

2 Minutes: The Minutes of the previous Council meeting held on the 19th October 2010 had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record

3 Hon Treasurers Report: The Treasurer reported that at the 19th October the current balance stood at £4370.71
Balance = 4370.71
N S & I = 1951.12
Current = 2268.59
On hand = 151.00
Increase £118.33

Play of the Year Entry - 3 X £60
TOTAL = £180

Play of the Year = £21.67
One Act Play Festival =£15.00
AETF Subscription =£25
TOTAL = £61.67

4 Festivals

Play of the Year Competition
The Chairman reported that up to December 2010 six entries had been received and there was now every expectation that by the end of the Season that the usual number of entries would be received. The Adjudicator had to date submitted his reports promptly which had been well received
It was agreed that the report be noted and that the Chairman be asked to supply full details in order that a report could be included on the NANDA website

One Act Play Festival 1st and 2nd April 2011
Bob W reported that since the last meeting additional marketing of the Festival had been undertaken including all the references suggested at the last meeting. He regretted that to date no applications had been received although it was relatively early days. A second major approach was to be to be circulated in mid December and reports would be given.

Youth Festival 6th and 7th May 2011
Sonya reported the arrangements had now been made to hold the Youth Festival at the Chilwell Olympia Theatre on the 6th and 7th May 2011 with Mark Lebeter acting as the Adjudicator. Full details and application forms were currently being sent to interested parties.
It was agreed that this be noted and that further reports be submitted

5 Theatre Luncheon
Jack B reported that he was pleased to report that he had procured the services of Amanda Whittington to provide a question and answer session at the proposed Theatre Luncheon. It was suggested that the event would be staged at the Welbeck Hotel Nottingham on Friday 28th January 2011. He hoped that a number of Groups would be interested, especially as a number were performing this year and next plays written by the speaker
After general discussion it was suggested that a charge of £15.50 and £17.50 per person respectively be made for members and non members and that the hotel be asked to cater on a pre-ordered meal basis up to a limit of 40 persons.
Jack also reported that he was still negotiating for a second speaker in order to host a further Luncheon in March 2011
The Executive then thanked Jack for his hard work and agreed that the arrangements for the Theatre Luncheon as defined above be approved and that he be asked to continue negotiations for a possible March event.

6 NANDA Website
Mike S reported on the use that had been made of the Website to date including the range of international contacts that had been made.
It was agreed that the report be noted and that through the Nanda Newsletter all member Societies be asked to include links to the site by reference on their own individual sites.

Potential Closure of the Bonington Theatre Arnold.
Howard W reported on the current consultations that were being generated by the Gedling Borough Council regarding proposals for the redevelopment of the Arnold Town Centre. If approved these proposals would result in the closure of the Bonington Theatre and the provision of a new sports leisure centre on a preferred site; the King George V Recreation Ground. Such location would however involve the consent of the Charity Commission and the removal of existing covenants.
The proposals had already generated considerable opposition from the community generally particularly over the lack lustre manner in which many parties including Bonington and Prospect had been notified of the proposals. It was understood that a meeting with Theatre Users was planned shortly although to date still no formal approach had been received
The Executive viewed these developments with concern and urgently requested that they be kept fully advised of the current users discussions in order to frame any necessary and timed representations to the Gedling Borough Council.
It was agreed that this matter be kept on vigilant review and that further reports be submitted

Stanford Hall Theatre
Roy A reported on the current position regarding the future of the Stanford Hall Theatre. It was understood the present site owner intended to pursue the procurement of a Theatre Licence which would involve him in the preparation of a Theatre Management Plan. Roy advised that such a plan required to state the number of occasions the Theatre would be available for community performances. He explained that several attempts had been made to contact the owner but these had produced little or no success. The position was still ongoing and he stated he would advise of developments
It was agreed to note the position

Playwriting Competition
The prospect of resurrecting in the near future the NANDA playwriting Competition was discussed.
After general discussion it was agreed that the matter be retained as an Agenda item over the next few meetings and that in the meantime members of the Executive be asked to seek the views of their individual Societies and their potential participation in such a Competition.

Dates of Meetings
The Chairman reminded the Executive that the following was a list of dates of meetings of the Executive up to July 2011

14th December
30th January AGM
15th February
17th May
14th June
19th July.

It was agreed that the above list be noted and that a request be made of the West Bridgford Society to hold the AGM on the 30th January 2011

Date of next meeting Tuesday at 7.00pm at East Leake

The meeting ended at 8.40pm