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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 16th February 2010 at Nuthall, Nottingham.
Present: Jack Barratt, Christine Davison (Secretary), Madeline Lord, Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Roy Ainscough,, Jon Jones, Mike Stewart, Jon Jones.
1 Apologies for absence were received from Sonya Oates, Hayley Masom, Joan Wildgust, Tony Vokes, Donna Atherton, Linda Whitehurst
2 Minutes and matters arising. - The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th December 2009 had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
This being the first Council meeting after the AGM, the Chairman was elected. Roy proposed that Joan be elected, this was seconded by Jon Jones and the motion was carried unanimously.
In the absence of the chairman, the meeting was chaired by Roy Ainscough.
Jon Jones raised the topic of flameproofing. He had been trying to get further details on the legislation regarding the flameproofing of curtains and other materials used in amateur productions. He will investigate further on whether a statement that materials have been flameproofed is sufficient for groups using village halls.
3 Hon Treasurer's report - as at 16th February 2010 (2 months)
Balance = £4049.58
Current = £949.01
NS & I = £2262.57
On hand = £838
Decrease = £92.13
Secretary's Expenses = £67.13
Flowers for Hayley Masom as thank you = £25
Theatre Book
Ongoing balance (including grant) Profit = £239.98 (no change).
4 Festivals
a) Play of the Year 09/10 and Dinner
Joan reported (by email) that eleven entries had been received so far, with a possibility of one or two more. Adjudications had been well received up to now. The adjudicator had done a recorded CD for Bonington.
Dinner - Donna Atherton and Chris Davison had offered to help Linda Whitehurst with the Dinner. It was hoped that more volunteers would come forward. Linda said that she had made enquiries at the Golf Club and a warm buffet could easily be provided. There was a consensus at the meeting that this would be easier to organise and would not detract from the enjoyment of the evening. This will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.
b) One Act Festival
Neil has to collect 2 trophies from Leicester, the rest have been received. Bob Wildgust has emailed groups asking for volunteers to staff the event and urging Groups to support the event. Roy, Jack and Madeline offered their help on the day.
Roy suggested publicity for the event should be sought from local media:-Radio Nottingham and the Evening Post. A photographer should also be organised. He will contact Bob to discuss this. Jon suggested posters and offered to design one.
c) Youth Festival
Joan (by email):- Sarah Kerry has emailed to say she can no longer be involved in the Youth Festival but will supply all the information when needed. Sonia has not yet been contacted and there is no one else lined up to organise it. Any suggestions would be welcome as time is getting on and we must start very soon.
5 Theatre Luncheon
Jack reported that he had had no success in contacting Alison Steadman or her agent, so, regretfully, had to abandon the proposed luncheon in March. He will try to secure Robert Lindsey who is appearing in Derby in September and, being president of Ilkeston Drama Group, may be more disposed to attending a NANDA luncheon. Jack was thanked for all his efforts in what is a difficult task.
6 Newsletter/Website
Howard Whitehurst has volunteered to take over the Newsletter. This will be published as a Word document, which will be sent out to all member groups as an attachment to an email. Groups can then easily forward it to their own members via internal emails systems. Howard proposes to send the first one out in March and every two months thereafter. Various ideas for articles were discussed:- the 40th anniversary of NANDA, the difficulty of getting luncheon speakers, expanding on items discussed in Council meetings eg CRB checks, flameproofing requirements.
Website - nothing to report.
7 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
Two resignations have been received:- Dawn Hatfield (individual) and Chatsworth Centre. Four groups have yet to rejoin. It was decided to discuss termination of membership at the next meeting.
9 Date of next council meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday 16th March at Arnold
The meeting ended at 8.15pm