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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday June 16th 2009 at East Leake.
Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Madeline Lord, Mel Reynolds, Mike Stewart, Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Christine Chapman, Linda Whitehurst, Jack Barrett, Tony Vokes, Roy Ainscough.
1 Apologies for absence were received from Hayley Masom, Jon Jones and Alan Spooner.
2 Minutes and matters arising The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th May 2009 had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.
3 Hon Treasurer's report - as at 16th June 2009
Balance = £4998.93
Current = 1890.3
NS & I = 2262.57
On hand = 846.06
Decrease = £75.99
Play of the Year
Entry fee - 1 = £60
Youth Festival
Door Receipts = £16.50
Refreshment Receipts = £33.80
Group membership - 2 @ £25 each = £50
Youth Festival
Refreshment Stock = £101.23
Voice Workshop
Donation to West Bridgford Dramatic Society for use of venue = £20
Newsletter printing = £40
Newsletter postage (2 issues) = £50.06
Affiliation to AETF CENTRAL AREA = £25
Theatre Book
Ongoing balance (including grant)
Profit = £239.98 (no change)
Amended Result
Voice Workshop
Income = £80.00
Expenditure = £90.00
Loss = £10.00
Neil said that no invoice had yet been received from Chilwell Olympia.
4. Discussion Item - Loose ends
Open Forum - Confirmed date Wednesday 15th July at 7.30 pm. The room at Nottingham Arts Theatre has been booked at a cost of £45. Joan will confirm that this will be from 6.30 - 10.30 pm. The form of the meeting was discussed. To give the meeting a structure it was agreed to have 4 main discussion topics:-
a) Proposed workshops - Jack agreed to lead this discussion.
b) One Act Festival - Bob Wildgust will be asked to present.
c) Youth Festival - including a discussion on how we can access other youth groups and schools - Joan will lead.
d) Communication - to include benefits of belonging to NANDA, usefulness of Newsletter, Website. Madeline will ask Hayley to lead on this one.
Light refreshments and wine or juice will be provided. Roy will purchase the wine. Chris and Joan will bring glasses, paper plates and cloths. Chris will purchase the refreshments. Neil will bring a kitty and name tags.
Roy will open the meeting. Chris will make notes and write an article for the Newsletter.
It was found that a flipchart was useful last year. Madeline will make enquiries about borrowing one again.
Helpers will need to arrive at 6.30pm to set up the room.
5. Festivals
a) Play of the Year 08/09 and Dinner
There has been a record 15 entries and 131 members and guests will be attending.
The final arrangements for the evening were discussed
The Council thanked Linda and Christine for all their hard work in organising the dinner. It was agreed that the same venue be booked again next year, provisionally on Friday June 18th 2010.
Joan has contacted Jean Lebeter, who has agreed to adjudicate the Play of the Year next season 2009/2010. It was agreed to offer a fee of £50 per adjudication + 25p per mile travelling expenses. The charge to groups will remain at £60 per adjudication.
Joan will ask this year's adjudicators to write an article for the newsletter.
b) One Act Festival
Nothing to report
c) Youth Festival
The dates agreed at the last meeting 6/7/8th May 2010 were not suitable so it was agreed that we book the following week - 13/14/15th May. These dates cannot be confirmed until early September by Chilwell Olympia. Sarah, Sonya and Joan will convene a meeting.
6 Theatre Luncheon
Jack has been in touch with the Theatre Royal and will try to arrange a luncheon in December or January. Nigel Havers is in the pantomime and he will try to book him as a speaker.
7 Newsletter/Website
The following needed for next issue:-
One Act Festival - Bob Wildgust
Trouble at t'mill - Neil Mackintosh
Open Forum -= Chris Davison
Profile on Tony Tomlinson - Howard Whitehurst
Dates for next year's festivals need to be in next newsletter.
No discussion
8 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
Burton Joyce Players - Mary Bingham has retired, the new secretary is Mel Reynolds
10 Date of next council meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday 14th July 2009 at Arnold
The meeting ended at 8.35 pm..