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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 17th March 2009 at Arnold, Nottingham.

Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Madeline Lord, Roy Ainscough, Tony Vokes, Mel Reynolds, Linda Whitehurst, Christine Chapman, Bob Wildgust, Jon Jones.

1 Apologies for absence were received from Jack Barrett, Sonya Oates, Hayley Masom, Neil Mackintosh, Mike Stewart, Alan Spooner.

2 Minutes and matters arising The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 17th February 2009 had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
There had been only four replies to the email sent out asking whether groups had their books audited and whether they paid for this service: All the four who replied had their books audited but only one group paid for this on a formal basis, the others had books audited by friends.
The workshop had to be cancelled as only five people had applied and it was not economical to continue. It is hoped that the workshops on costume and makeup can be held at a future date.
There was a discussion on how best to advertise NANDA's activities, so all members are aware of events.
SHUG - Stanford Hall Users' Group, together with Rushcliffe Borough Council and the developer, Chek Whyte, are producing an action plan for Stanford Hall Theatre within four months.

3 Hon Treasurer's report - as at 17 March 2009
Balance = £4829.61
NS & I = £2195.76
Current = £2113.73
On hand = £520.12
Increase £473.00

Play of the Year
Entries - 1 @ £60 each = £60

Theatre Luncheon
Receipts:- £
Members 23 x £15 = 345.00
Non members 4 x £17 = 68.00
Total 413.00

Theatre Book
Ongoing Balance (including grant)
Profit £239.98 (no change)

4. Discussion Item - One Act Play Festival /Fundraising
Bob Wildgust presented his report on behalf of the One Act play Festival sub committee.
He was encouraged by the enthusiasm of the groups he had consulted. There were over 40 groups in the Notts area which could be involved; however the aim would be for a minimum of 9.
The event would need to be marketed differently to previous years and the aim would be for a Festival held over 2 to 3 evenings in a prestigious venue
Bob is in consultation with the All England Festival organisers, who are holding an anniversary season in 2010 in Litchfield.
It was decided that the sub committee proceed with producing a marketing and budget plan for holding a One Act Festival in 2010.
Fundraising in relation to the proposed One Act Festival in 2010 will be dealt with by the sub committee.
Regarding general fundraising, the Council were asked to consider ways this could be achieved.
There will be a raffle at the Dinner, which, it is hoped, will raise funds.
There is still no way of funding the Youth Festival. Jon Jones was asked to find out if any sponsorship would be available from Rushcliffe Borough Council. The Council expressed its gratitude to Hayley for her hard work in contacting prospective sponsors.

5. Festivals
a) Play of the Year 08/09 and Dinner
There have been an encouraging number of entries this year - 12 to date with another one expected.
Carolyn Drury will be adjudicating the next two entries. As Jill Gautrey had to stand in for Carolyn Drury, when she was indisposed, she will attend the production by Keyworth Dramatic Society with Carolyn to moderate.
The venue has been confirmed as Cotgrave Golf Club; the date Friday June 19th. The menu was discussed and the choice approved.
Linda and Christine will send out letters near the beginning of April and allow one month for replies.
The absolute maximum for the event is 120, and there was a discussion about the layout of the room.
The start will be 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Dress code is to be black tie/lounge suit with a gold colour scheme. A raffle will be held (see 4 above).
b)One Act Festival
As discussed in point 4 above.
c)Youth Festival
Sarah Kelly has sent out letter to previous entrants and to the groups, but there has been no feedback from her to date. Joan has sent out 20 information packs to secondary schools - both drama specialist and others. Chilwell Olympia has been booked for 7/8/9/ May, but this can be reduced if there are not enough entries for the three days. Volunteers will be needed to help at the event.

6 Theatre Luncheon
The luncheon, which was held on Tuesday 17th March (the same day as the Council meeting) was a great success. Twenty nine people attended and the guest was Simon Shepherd, from the cast of 'Pack of Lies' at the Theatre Royal. He proved to be a very entertaining speaker. Joan will write letter of thanks to Simon, Bill Kenwright productions, and also to Jack Barrett, for all his hard work in making the event possible.

7 Newsletter/Website
There was a reminder that articles have to be in to Hayley by the first week in April. Bob Wildgust will write an article on the Theatre Luncheon. Members were again encouraged to write an article.
There has been no more progress on the website since the questionnaires were returned. Jon Jones will contact Mike Stewart about this.

8 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
No correspondence.
Membership Amendments

Group Membership
Leicester Drama Festival resigned.

New individual member
Julia Gaunt - website:
Subscription to be collected by Sonia, but not yet received by Treasurer

Tony Vokes asked if any members knew of a good Passion play for 10 - 20 people, to be performed in a church. Any suggestions to Tony by email.

10 Date of next council meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.00pm on Tuesday April 7th 2009 at Ruddington

The meeting ended at 8.40 pm.