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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 16 December 2008 at Aspley

Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Jon Jones, Roy Ainscough, Jack Barrett, Mike Stewart, Alan Spooner, Tony Vokes, Madeline Lord

1 Apologies for absence were received from Christine Davison, Hayley Masom, Sonya Oates, Linda Whitehurst, Christine Chapman.

2 Minutes and matters arising - Gurd award re-marketing - Joan to pass on criteria for the award to Mike for publishing on the website, where there is currently very little detail. The matter to be the subject of a report to the AGM.

3 Treasurer's Report - as at 16/12/08
BALANCE = £4152.54
(NS&I = £2195.76; Current = £1411.44; On Hand = £545.34)
Increase £296.11
Since last meeting (2 months)
Play of the Year
Entries - 4 @ £60 each = £240
Group Membership - 4 @ £20 each
Individual Membership (New Member) - 1 @ £10
TOTAL = £90
'History of Amateur Theatre' Book
Sales - 8 copies @ £1 each = £8
Printing of 2009 AGM Accounts = £40
Trearurer's Expenses = £1.89
THEATRE BOOK - ongoing balance (including grant)
PROFIT = £239.98 (increase).

4 Discussion Item - Workshops
Tony confirmed that West Bridgford Theatre would be available for the first 'voice' workshop, on Tuesday 20 January, commencing at 7.30 pm. Madeline to ask Sonya to enquire urgently, and report back to Council, whether Julia Gaunt is able to lead the session and, if so, to give an indication of her fee, the subject area to be covered, and extent of group participation. A charge of £5 per head was agreed, with an application deadline of 13 January. West Bridgford Chairperson, Alison Murray, to be asked to provide the welcome and introduction, and Joan to thank the leader and participants at the end of the session.
The first full-day workshop, on costume and makeup, will take place at the Lacemarket Theatre on Sunday 8 March. The morning sessions will run from 10-12, followed by a break for lunch, then the participants will have the chance to change topics for the 1-3 session. Madeline and Jean Allton are organising the costume sessions, but no arrangements have yet been made as regards make-up.

5 Festivals
Youth Festival
Jack to contact Sarah Kerry with a view to her attending AGM, and it was agreed that a short meeting be held immediately after the AGM to discuss details of the festival - date, venue, adjudicator, co-ordinator, contact with youth groups and schools.
Play of the Year
Entries coming in well. Some disappointment was expressed at the performance and attitude of the professional GODA adjudicator.
Dinner - 2009 currently booked with Cotgrave though there is some doubt as to their prospects of survival. Since the deposit has already been paid, it was decided to sit tight and await developments at least for the time being.
One Act Festival.
Bob Wildgust presented a paper on the present arrangements and current position of the One Act Play Festival with a view to it being revitalised as part of the NANDA 2010 programme of events. A sub-committee has been formed, with Bob as co-ordinator, to examine such issues as a substantial marketing drive, search for a prestigious venue, and the possibility of linking the event to the All England Theatre Festival. Bob was thanked for producing a very impressive paper.

6 Theatre Luncheon - Jack indicated his determination to become more aggressive in the New Year, with three main targets in his sights - Alan Sillitoe on account of his local connection; Giles Croft, a director at the Playhouse; and Roy Marsden (Inspector Dalgleish). Jack was thanked for his efforts amid acknowledgement that this was a notoriously difficult task.

7 Newsletter/website - Suggestions for filler articles -
(1) a small article about the Gurd Award (Joan to provide Hayley with details);
(2) Jon to pass on to Hayley an update on the workshops;
(3) regular encouragement for members to view the website;
(4) news of a new biography of Sir Julien Cahn Bt (Stanford Hall) - Madeline to pass details on to Hayley.
Website - feedback from the questionnaire indicates that it tends to be used by the 'more mature' members. The calendar of plays is popular, and there is a demand for more photos and a swapshop. Mike has been researching the possibility of investing in a bigger, better-resourced host site, which would cost up to £30 per year for considerably more space and it was agreed that he should continue to look into this. Nottingham Arts Theatre and the Lace Market Theatre no longer have links to our website.

8 Correspondence/Amendments to membership - Hayley passed on an email advising of the Inland Waterways Association National Festival to be held at Red Hills, near Ratcliffe, over the August Bank holiday 2009 during which it is suggested that a local theatre group 'particularly with a young-peoples focus' should provide entertainment in the on-site marquee theatre. Details are available on the Rushcliffe website and there is to be a public meeting at West Park Leisure Centre, Wilsthorpe Road, Long Eaton, NG10 4AA at 7 pm on Wednesday 14 January where the festival organisers will be present to answer any questions.
One new member - Scott Taylor.
One individual member and six groups have not yet paid subscriptions.

9 Date of AGM - Sunday 18 January 2009, at the Lace Market Theatre, Halifax Place, Nottingham at 7.00 pm.

10 Date of next Council meeting - Tuesday 17 February at Arnold at 7.00 pm.

The meeting closed at 9.45 pm.