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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 17th June at East Leake.

Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Madeline Lord, Hayley Masom, Jon Jones, Tony Vokes, Jack Barrett, Linda Whitehurst, Christine Chapman, Roy Ainscough

1 Apologies for absence No apologies for absence were received.

2 Minutes and matters arising The minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th May 2008 had been circulated and these were signed as a correct record.
Re refund of VAT on invoices - Hayley had nothing further to report.
Joan informed the Council that she would be unable to attend the next Council meeting
Jon Jones had information on the digital voice recorders which would be discussed later in the meeting.
Re sponsorship - Hayley has drafted a letter to businesses which was circulated to the Council.

3 Hon Treasurer's report
As at 17/06/08: Balance = £4852.74
(N S & I + £2195.76; Current = £2127.21; On hand = £529.77)
Decrease = £130.25

Since Last Meeting
Youth Festival:- Refreshment receipts = £36.60
One Act Festival:-
Door receipts = £8; Refreshment receipts = £13.80
Gurd Award
Interest on £500 Capital Stock = £18.88 (3.7755%)
Subscriptions:- Group Memberships - 7 @ £20 each; Extra Newsletters sub - 2 @ £5 each: Individual memberships - 5 @ £10 each
Total = £200
Bank Interest
N S & I annual for 2007 (excluding Gurd £500 stock) = £61.01 (3.7755%)
Youth Festival
Trophies = £17.90; Refreshment stock = £155.46
One Act Festival
Photocopying = £8; Programme printing = £30; Postage and envelopes = £25.18; Reimbursed entrance fee = member £20; Adjudication - Malcolm Wilson = £112; Venue Hire - Chatsworth Centre = £100
Theatre Book - Ongoing balance (including grant)
PROFIT = £228.98 (no change)
One Act Festival -
Income = £141.80; Expenditure = £305.75: Loss = £163.95

4 Discussion Item - Open Forum for Members
Replies received so far: ELAPS members attending, 4 members attending from Keyworth. East Bridgford Drama (via email) said no-one from their committee would be able to attend but made two points:- Could the workshops NANDA used to hold on various topics be re-instated as they were very useful: their group would also welcome advice on strategies for recruiting younger members.
Suggested items for the open forum
Introduction and experiences - Roy, Hayley and Sarah
Workshops, Festivals, Young members, Integration - ie groups helping each other.
Room booked at Arts Theatre from 6.30 - 10.30 on Wednesday July 16th.
Joan will be there during the day to organise the venue.
Chris Davison to get group emails from Hayley and to circulate a reminder to all groups.
Joan, Chris D and Jack to meet at Arts Theatre on 8th July at 12.00 to sort out refreshments etc.
Joan will chair the event.

5 Festivals
a) Play of the Year Competition 07/08 and Dinner
The final arrangements for the Dinner were discussed.
Joan extended her thanks to Christine and Linda for all their work in arranging the event.
b) One Act Play Festival 2008
It was noted that no Nottinghamshire groups had entered and that, for the competition to thrive, more marketing would be needed. Drama groups would need more notice than is currently given as by February most societies have chosen their programme and directors.
We need feedback from drama groups. It was suggested that further discussion on the one act festival could be incorporated into the discussion topic for September which will be about the Youth Festival - a small group could be appointed to discuss it.
Neil was thanked for his hard work in arranging the Festival.
c) Youth Festival 2008
Members of the Council expressed disappointment that the adjudicator had charged the full fee even though one session had been cancelled.
There had been a formal complaint from Ravenshead (read out at the meeting) about the use of bad language in one of the productions. Sarah will talk to the producer of the play . It was agreed that there is an obligation to inform those attending if there is bad language in a play.
Alternative venues were discussed.
Joan had not yet got costs for the use of the Nottingham Arts Theatre. She will also obtain details and costs for Chilwell Comprehensive School's theatre.
Jack had investigated the Lakeside and Lacemarket theatres. Lakeside was not suitable as it was too expensive (£1,000) and facilities were not very good. The Lacemarket had been keen to help. Hire of the whole theatre (capacity 118) would be £200 per day and evening including all facilities. There might be a problem of availability, but July and August Sundays would be possible.
Linda Whitehurst will check out the Bonnington Theatre.
Chris will compile a list of venues/costs/facilities for holding the Festival over a 3 days period.
Jon Jones had investigated the purchase of digital recording equipment to be used by an adjudicator. The adjudication could be sent out as an email attachment to enable groups to hear their adjudication. It was agreed that Jon will buy one which is capable of transferring the recorded voice to a typewritten report. The cost will be about £120.

6 Theatre Luncheon
Jack spoke to Kenneth Alan Taylor's agent who said he was too busy to attend a luncheon.
He will contact Lucy at the Theatre Royal to find out what shows are coming in the Autumn and contact possible speakers then about an Autumn or Spring date.
Giles Croft (Nottingham Playhouse) would be willing to give a talk anytime, so may be a suitable speaker for the AGM.

7 Newsletter/Website
Hayley's letter (see matters arising) was discussed. Joan will ask Hayley to email the final version to all members.
4th August deadline for next newsletter.
Hayley to approach Val Christian with a view to a profile of her being written.
Tony to do a report on Malcolm Wilson for the next newsletter.
Youth Festival:- Has photos - article needed (Sarah)
One Act Festival:- Has photos and article
Play of the Year:- report etc pending
Calendar:- will request by email.
Open Forum update:- pending meeting.
Jon to write an article on the digital voice recorder.

8 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
From Maggie Andrew at No Face Productions - Performing Little Shop of Horrors at the Playhouse from 15th - 19th July. Special rates for NANDA members on Tues and Thurs £7 from No Face Productions direct.

Neil: The Chatsworth Centre in Long Eaton will be demolished after the Christmas production of Neville's Island. Depending on planning permission it is hoped to build a new theatre on part of the site.
Roy: No further information on Stanford Hall - he has written to Chek Whyte.
Jon : A book has been produced on the history of amateur dramatics and the Radcliffe on Trent Drama Group. He will bring copies to the next meeting.

10 Date of next Council meeting
7pm Tuesday July 15th at Ruddington

The meeting closed at 9.30pm