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Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Council held on Tuesday 11th March 2008 at Aspley
Present: Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Madeline Lord, Sonia Oates, Hayley Masom, Linda Whitehurst, Christine Chapman
1 Apologies for absence were received from Douglas MacDonald, Tony Vokes,Sarah Kelly
2 Minutes and matters arising The minutes of the previous Council meeting held on 20th February 2008 had been circulated and theses were signed as a correct record.
Matters arising: Joan had delivered a thank you letter and bouquet of flowers to Maggie, who had expressed her thanks.
Madeline congratulated Joan on her letter to members
3 Hon Treasurer's Report
As at 11/03/2008
Balance = £4124.24 (NS&I = £2115.87, Current = £2008.37)
Increase = £95.00
Since Last Meeting
Play of the Year - Entry - 1 = £50
Group Membership - 2 @ £20 each
Extra Newsletters Subscription - 1 = £5
Total Subscriptions = £45
Theatre Book - Ongoing Balance (including grant)
PROFIT = £228.98 (no change)
4 Discussion Topic - Zac's Role for NANDA
Joan opened the discussion by asking how Zac could help Nanda now.
Hayley said he has been a benefit to ELAPS. He would like Nanda to grow and develop; he could help with workshops and obtaining sponsorship.
He is a professional so would expect payment for his services.
Joan suggested we explore sponsorship re Youth Festival and One Act Festival. Anything youth orientated tends to generate funding. Sainsburys could be a potential sponsor and Zac could get his fee from the sponsorship money. The Youth Festival does make money but sponsorship would help to create better venues.
In summary, Zac could help: short term - workshops (May discussion topic);mid term - sponsorship of youth festival 2009; long term - NANDA exhibition.
Schools could possibly be involved in next year's festival but this would need monitoring regarding standards..
Hayley is to draft a letter to Zac, which Chris will send as Secretary.
Action Hayley and Chris
5 Festivals
a) Play of the Year Competition 07/08 and Dinner
Seven entries at present - will probably go up to 9
NANDA Dinner (Discussion held at beginning of meeting so that Linda and Christine could leave early)
- Friday 20th June at Cotgrave Golf Club. The adjudicator is Ian Carr - he and his partner will be free of charge
A microphone will be available. It was agreed that the use of a microphone would be acceptable to enable everyone in the room to hear more clearly. Timing of the start of the Awards Ceremony to be planned carefully when everyone had finished eating. Christine Chapman is to have a complete list of awards and entries, which will be incorporated into the menu. Linda and Christine are to supply the name cards and to put each person's menu choice on their name card to avoid confusion and disputes.
L and C are to write a small article for the next newsletter, giving details of the 4th April.
The subject of themes for the Dinner and entertainment was discussed. It was decided that the tickets should state 'black tie or lounge suit'. It was decided to have background music from CD's - choice of this to be made later. Joan suggested jazz
An initial letter and order forms to be sent out to groups in mid-April, giving a deadline for replies of 31st May. L and C to contact Jenny nearer the time.
The Council Members will let L and C know separately whether they will be attending and their menu choice.
5 b) One Act Play Festival 2008
Keyworth have declined due to a clash of dates. Kegworth are not entering - they do not like the idea of competition..
Joan has agreed to award the trophies. Neil to contact Mike Stewart regarding lighting.
Action Neil
5 c) Youth Festival 2008
No update
6 Theatre Luncheon
Douglas (via e mail)
Still confident of Anita Dobson for Friday 23rd May and has contacted Kenneth Taylor for similar date, awaiting his reply.
Received a call from William Roache (Ken Barlow) - he is keen to come early Spring of next year.
Still a possibility of Julie Walters, Robert Lindsey and Joanna Lumley. He should have more definite news on 15th April.
7 Newsletter/Website
Information on Play of the Year to include list of entries.
One Act Festival - Hayley said there was a need to do a massive push on this nearer the time. Neil to send out more information.
Neil said he has a collection of small articles which could be included in the newsletter when needed. He will send these to Hayley.
Hayley has done a spreadsheet showing calls made and details - this will be emailed out to committee members.
Mike Beedham (Arcade) - will send details of Arcade's 70th birthday.
Joan asked for ideas for doing a mass mailing to inform all members of dates for: One Act Festival; Play of the Year; AGM and Youth Festival. Costs for printing and postage are very high so we need to look at alternative and cheaper ways to get the information to all members. Sonia suggested using the website.
8 Correspondence/Amendments to membership
Douglas (via email) - Suggested a one day marketing workshop to address the need of attracting more audiences. This is especially a problem in city centre venues.(Workshops are to be discussed at the May meeting)
Mark Rimmel (West Bridgford Society) is planning a series of workshops and would like to share skills with other societies. He is looking for voice coaching/accents experts. Joan will speak to him; Hayley and Sonia will contact Richard Hesk re accents. Action Joan, Hayley, Sonia
NAT contact Christopher Lester
WBDS - joint secretary with Martin Rymel is Amanda Youngs
Gerald Lee(playwright competition winner)
9 AOB None
10 Date of next Council meeting
Tuesday April 15th at 7.00pm at East Leake.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm