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Chairman: Jennie Crosby - Bramcote
Secretary: Val Bates - Bramcote

The Bramcote and Stanton Drama Group is a newly formed group whose members are from the former Bramcote Hills Drama Group founded in 1963 and from the former Stanton Drama Club established in the 1940s.

Our membership is approximately 30, made up or all ages with interests ranging from acting, producing, stage management, lighting, scenery, make up, costume and administration. In fact, all-aspects or theatre!

We usually meet every Tuesday at 7.30 pm in the 'Stanton Institute Social Club' at Ilkeston, but during rehearsals for a production, the actors/actresses concerned usually meet twice weekly. The facilities or the Institute are open to all members at any time and an annual membership fee of £1.00 is charged by their staff.

We put on two public productions each year, usually at the Park Comprehensive School, Bramcote, in March and November. In addition the group tries to maintain a programme or social events, ie barbecues, Christmas social evening. Courses connected to the theatre, eg lighting, make up, voice production etc are offered by NANDA (Nottingham and Notts Drama Association) for a small fee,and our members often take advantage of these for further experience. In addition we encourage group visits to other theatres, both professional and amateur.

Our productions since amalgamation in 1984 have been as follows:
"Stringer's Last Stand"
"Habeus Corpus"
"When We Are Married"
"Hay Fever"
"Not With a Bang"
"Surprise Package"