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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30th January 2011 at the West Bridgford Dramatic Society's Studio, Stamford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham.
PRESENT:-- Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Christine Davison (Secretary), Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Roy Ainscough (President), Tony Vokes(WBDS), Mike Stewart (Vice President),Amanda Hall (Spotlight Theatre School, Nottingham Operatic Society Youth Group), Madeline Lord(ELAPS), Mel Reynolds(Burton Joyce Players), Jack Barrett(Lace Market Theatre), Tony Wykes (All Hallows Drama Society), Eileen Crosbie, Zoe Rose ((Prospect Players), Linda Whitehurst (Bonington Players), Roger Westwood, Richard Hinchliffe (Dukeries Theatre Group).
APOLOGIES were received from Christine Harbidge(Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group), Sonya Oates and Hayley Masom(ELAPS), Valerie Christian (VP), Rita Pearson (Kegworth Players), Jean Allton (Keyworth Dramatic Society), Mark and Jean Lebeter (Robin Hood Theatre), Bob Wildgust (Nottingham Arts Theatre, Lace Market Theatre).
MINUTES The minutes of the AGM held on 31st January 2010 had been circulated and were signed as a true record.
MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 2010 had been circulated with the AGM notices.
CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS - expanded upon salient points from the Annual Report.
The chairman welcomed members to the meeting and said that she was pleased to see a good attendance, with several groups being represented.
Since taking up her post as chairman she said that she was pleased at the number of new members on the Council, who had helped to contribute new ideas and who had provided help at the various functions that NANDA had organised. Unfortunately over the past year the Council had lost several members due to other commitments so she would welcome other members to come to Council meetings.
Play of the Year Competition Last year's competition was a great success and the adjudicator, Jean Lebeter, did an excellent job. This year's competition looks set to be as successful, with ten entries so far; Gordon Parsons is proving to be an excellent adjudicator of this year's competition. She encouraged more groups to enter, saying that the adjudicator's criticism was constructive and helpful.
One Act Play Festival There had been some concern at the initial lack of interest in this year's competition; unfortunately NANDA's festival is to be held on the same dates as the Leicestershire one. However, the competition will now go ahead on Saturday April 2nd, with three entries so far. Although the closing date is 31st January, more entries can be accepted within the next two weeks.
Youth Festival Sonya Oates and Jean Lebeter are organising this year's youth festival. The chairman appealed for youth groups (including non NANDA members) to enter.
Newsletter and Website The chairman praised Howard Whitehurst for his work on the newsletter, and appealed for more articles and photographs from groups.
Mike Stewart was thanked for his work on the website. Some groups with their own website were not linked in to Nanda's site; there was an appeal for them to link in.
Communication This has improved over the past year, with increasing use of email. The membership booklet has been emailed to groups this year and it is hoped this will make updating information easier.
HON TREASURER'S REPORT had been circulated with the AGM papers. The treasurer, Neil Mackintosh, presented his report to the meeting. Although some small losses had been made (Play of the Year Competition £15.60; One Act Festival £6.89), these were outweighed by the profit on the Annual Dinner and Award Ceremony £247.79 and the profit of £285.85 on operations. Overall the profit was £551.98.
The chairman thanked Neil for his clear exposition of the accounts. There had been some build up of funds, due to some events not being held this year; this should not, however, deter us from holding events that may incur a small loss.
There being no new names submitted, the existing officers were re-elected:-
Hon Secretary - Christine Davison
Hon Treasurer - Neil Mackintosh
Hon Auditor - Jean Anthony
In the past year the following had tendered their resignation from the Council:-Madeline Lord (ELAPS), Alan Spooner, Donna Atherton (Prospect Players)
The chairman reiterated that any member from any group can attend a Council meeting and she hoped that members would consider it.
The Chairman introduced the topic of the Playwriting Competition and whether it was time to re-instate it. This proposition was discussed at length. The president, Roy Ainscough, introduced the idea of applying for funding to enable NANDA to commission a play. The Chairman urged members to discuss these matters further with their groups and give their feedback.
The proposed closure of the Bonington Theatre by the County Council was discussed. Linda Whitehurst (Bonington Players) gave a resume of the action being taken by the action group. The Chairman suggested that Howard Whitehurst write an article on the proposed closure for the newsletter; and that NANDA should aim for a concerted effort in voicing concerns by writing to the Council.
The Chairman concluded by expressing her thanks to the executive Council, to Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Christine Davison (Secretary) and to Roy Ainscough (President). Thanks were also given to West Bridgford Dramatic Society for the use of their Studio and for the refreshments.
There being no other business, the meeting ended at 7.20pm.