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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 18 January 2009 at The Lace Theatre, Halifax Place, Nottingham.
Present - Roy Ainscough (President), Joan Wildgust (Chairman), Neil Mackintosh (Treasurer), Evelyn Gurd (NAT), Bob Wildgust (individual member), Bill Todd (PP), Judith Todd (PP), Mel Reynolds (BJP), Mike Stewart (VP), Tony Vokes (WBDS), Justine Robinson (WBDS), Alan Spooner (KDS), Jack Barrett (LMT), Hayley Masom (ELAPS), Sonya Oates (ELAPS), Madeline Lord (ELAPS)
The Chairman welcomed members, and thanked the Lace Market Theatre for hosting the meeting.
APOLOGIES were received from Christine Davison (Hon Sec), Jon Jones (R-o-T), Linda Whitehurst (BP), Christine Chapman (BP), Jean Allton (KDS), Amanda Hall (Spotlight Theatre School)
MINUTES/MATTERS ARISING - the minutes of the AGM held on 13 January 2008 were signed as true record. There were no matters arising.
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 2007/8 had been circulated with the AGM notices.
CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS - expanded upon salient points from the Annual Report
(a) Good news - the July forum was well-attended and was regarded as being a great success, giving the committee a good grasp of members' wishes and ideas for the future.
(b) Two workshops in the pipeline - a voice production workshop to be hosted by WBDS on Tuesday 20 January, and an all-day costume/make-up workshop to be held at the Lace Market theatre on Sunday 8 March
(c) There were several new appointments to the Executive Council, and it was hoped that they would bring fresh ideas and help towards moving NANDA into 21st century.
(d) Theatre lunch - Jack Barrett undertook the job of organising the theatre lunches, generally regarded as a 'poisoned chalice'. An early success - Roy Marsden appearing in 'A Pack of Lies' at the Theatre Royal, is booked for a lunch on Tuesday 17 March at the Welbeck Hotel. Members were asked to spread the word.
(e) Website - no major changes reported. Mike Stewart and Jon Jones are moving forward with development of the site, and stress the need for co-operation from members in providing links and feeding information.
(f) Newsletter - Hayley Masom was thanked for her work on editing and producing the newsletter, and members were urged to submit contributions in good time for each edition.
(g) The Gurd award has not been been presented for a couple of years, and the question arose - do member groups know about it? Criteria are available on the website. The presence at the meeting of Eve Gurd (daughter-in-law of Pat and Maurice Gurd) was welcomed.
HON TREARURER'S REPORT - Accounts were sent out with the AGM notices, showing a balance of £4,144.53 as at end of August 2008. Play of the Year sustained a loss of £115.01; Youth Festival made a profit of £242.99 (less entries than last year but higher adjudication fee); One-Act Play Festival loss of £163.95; Annual Dinner and Award Ceremony profit of £172.85 (less than previous year where attendance was boosted due to anniversary celebration).
Neil was thanked for a job well done.
There being no resignations, and no new names submitted, the existing officers were re-elected.
Hon Secretary - Christine Davison, proposed Mike Stewart, seconded Hayley Masom
Hon Treasurer - Neil Mackintosh, proposed Sonya Oates, seconded Madeline Lord
Auditor - Jean Anthony, proposed Hayley Masom, seconded Alan Spooner.
Members were reminded that the Chairman is elected at the first Executive Council meeting following the AGM.
Executive Council - proposed Mel Reynolds, seconded Neil Mackintosh, that the present Council should carry on 'until replaced'.
Subscriptions have remained at the same level for several years and, with running expenses rising, increasing cost of postage, paper, printing of newsletter, etc, it was proposed (Mike Stewart), and seconded (Sonya Oates) that, from the start of new financial year, 1 September 2009, subscriptions should be increased as follows:-
Group subscriptions - from £20 to £25
Individual members - from £10 to £15
And that one year's subscription to the newsletter should be increased from £5 to £7.50
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.35 pm